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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll

ORLANDO, Fla. — Herman Cain, the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza, won the Florida straw poll today, defeating second-place Rick Perry after the Texas governor worked the crowd of activists with a breakfast speech Saturday morning.

Mr. Cain won nearly 40 percent of the 2,657 people who voted, more than doubling Mr. Perry’s total and that of Mitt Romney, who came in a close third.

All of the candidates spoke to the crowd of Florida Republicans who gathered here for the Faith and Freedom Coalition and Conservative Political Action Conference meetings.

But Mr. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, left the state early Friday for events in Indiana and Michigan, effectively telegraphing that his campaign did not place that much importance on the result.

Mr. Perry stayed in Florida through Saturday morning and hosted the breakfast for conference delegates. A win for Mr. Perry at the straw poll might have helped blunt criticism that has been building of his performance in Thursday night’s debate.

Instead, the victory went to Mr. Cain, who had whipped up the attendees with a fiery speech on Friday afternoon that had the crowd on their feet for an extended standing ovation.

In a statement, Mr. Perry congratulated Mr. Cain but took a swipe at Mr. Romney.

“Floridians and voters nationally want a candidate who is clear on the issues and talks honestly about the future, not someone who takes multiple sides of an issue and changes views every election season,” Mr. Perry said. “Today’s vote demonstrates that Floridians are energized and ready to help get America working again.”

Representative Michele Bachmann, who has been struggling to recover from a series of disappointing performances since her win at the Iowa straw poll this summer, came in dead last, with only 1.5 percent of the votes.

That result is certain to add to her difficulties raising money. The Minnesota congresswoman has had some success raising small donations, but she has not convinced many high-dollar donors to help bankroll her campaign, according to recent reports.

The straw poll was also a disappointment for Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah, who made an argument to the gathering on Friday that those in attendance should choose the person who is most electable against President Obama.

Instead, the crowd chose Mr. Cain, who is trailing Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry in the national polls and in surveys of the early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

Mr. Cain’s best hope may be in Iowa, where his message may resonate with conservative and religious voters. If he can beat Mrs. Bachmann and Mr. Perry there, it might give his campaign a boost, as winning Iowa did for Mike Huckabee in 2008.

Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, came in fourth in the voting, just ahead of Representative Ron Paul of Texas. Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, came in sixth.

Here is the statement of the official results from the Republican Party of Florida:

Today at the Republican Party of Florida’s Presidency 5, 2,657 delegates cast their votes in the Party’s straw poll. The results of that straw poll are in and are as follows:

1. Herman Cain, 37.1%
2. Rick Perry, 15.4%
3. Mitt Romney, 14%
4. Rick Santorum, 10.9%
5. Ron Paul, 10.4%
6. Newt Gingrich, 8.4%
7. Jon Huntsman, 2.3%
8. Michele Bachmann, 1.5%